In TCommander Bot we have several ways to make your buildings construction faster than your opponents with the Buildings Queue.
In this article we will show you all the features that you can use to build your village’s infrastructure faster than ever before and climb to the top rankings in no time.
1. One Click Constructions feature
Despites you can click each existing building many times to add building upgrades to the queue, you can skip that step and use “One click constructions” panel to enqueue many buildings upgrades with a single click:

“One click constructions” panel has a list of icons that you can click to add one or several existing buildings at once to the queue to a certain level very quickly.
For example:

By clicking the example icon above the bot will add all resources mines upgrades up to level 8 to the queue automatically and evenly at once, no matter the levels of your current resources mines.

By clicking the example icon above the bot will add all Warehouse upgrades up to level 15 to the queue automatically at once, no matter the level of your current Warehouse.
And so on…
You can explore all available icons. It will show all buildings that can be built with a single click.
2. Drag & Click feature
If you can drag and click, then you can add tens of building upgrades easily and quickly with only a few clicks! The buildings panel have been designed to let you create your own buildings strategy by selecting, dragging and placing your buildings and its prerequisite buildings in the desired place with less effort as possible.

3. Smart Building feature
“Smart building” is a feature of the Buildings Queue that helps you to build more buildings in less time by changing the order of the buildings in the queue automatically if the building on top cannot be built for any reason.

This way travian bot will be building non-stop. It will not stop building and wait if the village has no resources to build the first building of the queue, it will search other buildings in the queue until it finds any with enough resources to build.
Since this function changes the order of constructions that you planned to build more buildings in less time, it is not enabled by default. You can enable it anytime.
For more details about Smart Building read this manual: Buildings Queue Logic
4. Save and Load buildings queue
Once you have filled your Buildings Queue with your construction strategy, you can save it to local drive for later use and load an entire list of buildings with only one step. So you will be able to use the existing buildings list strategy in other villages or even in other game accounts in the future.

This is the fastest way to setup your buildings construction strategy because you will be able to fill the queue again in other villages or game accounts in any moment without clicking the buildings in the panel or without using “One Click Construction” feature.
5. “Supply Buildings Queue” route
TCommander Bot has Marketplace Router tool where you can create routes to send resources if destination village has not enough resources for building constructions. This way your destination village will always have enough resources to keep building your buildings non-stop and the buildings constructions will not be delayed.

Imagine a resources shipment network where bigger villages supply smaller villages continuously when they lack of resources to build buildings. That is what you get with “Supply Buildings Queue” route, another way to accelerate your buildings constructions.
For more details, see: Supply Buildings Queue route manual.
Final words
We have covered all the ways that you can use from TCommander Bot to automate and build buildings faster. But we will not stop here. We are planning to develop more features to increase the speed to build buildings even more.
If you downloaded TCommander Bot already, you will be notified when new features are released.