In TCommander Bot you have Main Settings sub-window where you can define, the main settings of your current game account in the bot. You will have different settings per each game account that you need to setup:
Just go to top menu “Settings“/”Main Settings“:
In “Main Settings” sub-window you may set different settings:
Online Time Scheduler – Main Settings
Online Time Scheduler allows you to set which hours of the day you want the bot to be online or offline.
By default, TCommander Bot will generate a valid random schedule if you have not defined any schedule yet. This way you avoid to start using the bot 24/7 if you forget to setup online time schedule the first time that you use your game account in the bot.
By pushing the “Generate schedule” blue button, you can generate a new random schedule automatically again.
However, if you want to setup your own personal schedule you can do it manually by clicking each hour number to make that hour online or offline respectively.
Each number in the online time scheduler means 1-hour time interval. For example, number “1” means the first hour of the day, which is from 12:00 AM to 1:00 AM. Number “7” means the 7th hour of the day, which is from 6:00 AM to 7:00 AM, and so on.
So, if “1”, “2”, “3” and “4” are red, the bot will be offline during that period of time from 12:00 AM to 4:00 AM. If “17”, “18”, “19” and “20” are green, the bot will be online during that period of time from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM.
When TCommander goes offline automatically, it will stop doing all automated tasks immediately. In that stage you will see the green “START” button in upper right corner again. You don’t need to push that button again manually if TCommander stopped automatically because it will start again automatically as soon as online time is reached.
However, not any online schedule setup is safe. You need to read Bot Security page to learn how to setup online time scheduler correctly to avoid the bot to be detected by MHs.
Anyways, if your online time schedule is not correct, TCommander Bot will notify it.
Use game server time – Main Settings
Online Time Scheduler can use local time or server time for scheduling. With this option enabled, the scheduler will use game server time, otherwise it will use local pc time.
Stop Bot if it is too active – Main Settings
Despite you may setup online time scheduler correctly to meet the suggested online time. You may start or stop the bot manually anytime of the day and this may cause the bot to be online more than 12 hours a day or break any other online time rule without realizing it.
So with this option enabled, TCommander Bot will keep counting the total amount of hours in the last day and verify if all online activities rules are met and will disconnect the bot automatically if any rules are broken to avoid bot detection.
It will check the following rules:
- If the online time counter exceeds 12 hours per day, the bot will stop automatically and will rest for at least 4 hours.
- If the online time exceeds 5 hours in a row, the bot will stop automatically and will rest for at least 4 hours.
You should also check the online time counter in the lower-right corner of the program window from time to time to get an idea of the current online activity:
When you are reaching the maximum number of suggested online hours per day (more than 10 hours), it will become orange:
At this moment you must be careful to not reach 12 hours per day, otherwise the bot could be detected.
If you exceed 12 hours per day, the online time counter becomes red, and it means that your account is in danger and it could be detected by multihunter in any moment:
Bear in mind, that it could become red only if you did not setup the online time scheduler as suggested in our Bot Security page or if you start or stop the bot manually many times in a day and it can make the bot to be online many hours in a day.
So the online time counter helps you to control and manage online time to avoid ban. It’s always up to you if you let the bot to be many hours connected to game server or not.
Attack Recognition – Main Settings
“Attack Recognition” feature scans all your villages (or a subset of villages defined by you) every random number of minutes to detect any incoming attack. It is enabled by default and is required for other features to work. For example, automatic evasion, showing incoming troops in Farms Tab, sending resource automatically, train troops and sound alarms when village is under attack.
You can define minimum and maximum number of minutes to generate random time frequency to scan your villages.
It can be enabled/disabled too from top menu “Settings” / “Attack Recognition” menu item.
In order to define which villages you want to make attack recognition scan, go to top menu “Settings” / “Attack recognition villages”. It will display a list of your villages to be enabled or disabled for scan:
By default, all your villages are enabled. So you only need to uncheck a village to remove it from scan process.
This options are very useful because most of the time you don’t need to scan all your villages to detect attacks.
Automatic Tasks
“Automatic tasks” interval is a random time used by travian bot to do certain automatic tasks in all villages (hero adventures, slow farming, building constructions, troops training/upgrading/researching, marketplace routes, and NPC crop exchange) .
This feature is enabled by default with 5 to 15 minutes interval. Which is proper interval for x1 servers. If you play in faster servers, you can reduce the time interval.
Gold Club Farming
“Gold Club Farming” interval is the random time for Gold Club Farming feature to start checking the “next attack” time for each farm list. When the random time triggers, it will send all farm lists that has reached its time to attack and send troops to all its farms.
Sound Alarms
“Sound Alarms” feature is used to alert you when certain events occurs.
Sound alarms is available for incoming attacks so far. So “Attack Recognition” must be enabled too in order to get sound alarms. This mean that sound alarm will start ringing after attack recognition detects an incoming attack by checking village within random time defined by you. This feature is enabled by default and you may see an Alert sub-windows with a sound when any of your village is under attack:
“SILENCE” green button will silence current sound alarm only for current detected attack but will sound again if bot detect attacks later.
“Disable Sound Alarms” blue button will silence current sound alarm and will not sound again if it detects more attacks later because sound alarms are being disabled. At this point if you want to enable sound alarms again you must go to “Settings” top menu as described in this manual.