What’s new in TCommander Bot v0.0.213.0

Nov 8, 2023 | News

TCommander Bot best travian bot

Dear players, we are very proud to announce the availability of TCommander Bot v0.0.213.0 that contains great user interfaces improvements that have been requested by many users. Other important options have been added to let you control some actions in the bot.

Let’s see all in detail.

Login process is much faster now

We have reduced the login process time to only a few seconds.

In the past it took several minutes if you have many villages because it was loading all villages at the beginning which has some drawbacks: It was very annoying for all users to wait so long and even more when you have to restart the bot and wait the same loading time again. Also, sometimes it was causing the bot to be detected by multihunters because it is a strange behavior to scan all villages everytime you login.

Now we made login process not to load all villages at the beginning. It will load only current active village and the rest of the villages will be loaded only when they are needed to be loaded by the bot.

Village buildings and village data cache

Because of not all villages are loaded during login process, we added village data cache to increase the speed to load village buildings and resources mines even faster.

Now travian bot saves village data (buildings, resources mines, resources, etc) in local database. So next time you login with the bot, it will not need to load the village data again from game server in order to show the info in the user interface, it will load the data from local cache instead.

So you will be able to see all the village information in the bot user interface without needing to load the data from game server after you login. Obviously, it may be some difference between the cached data and the real data from game server. The difference will depend on the time that have passed between last time you closed the bot and the time that you just logged in.

The cached data cannot be seen the first time you login after this update, you will see cached data after 2nd time you login because the bot saves cache data after you close the bot program. Just try it and you will be able to see all village info without loading it from game server:

village data loaded from local cache

This improvement saves you a lot of time!! Because you can start planning your stratregy and add buildings to queue right away without actually loading the village from game server.

“Smart building” option

Now you can disable or enable Smart building function which was always enabled by default:

smart building function
smart building function

Many users requested the option to disable this function because sometimes the user doesn’t want to break the order of the buildings queue. So now you can enable or disable it by clicking the brain icon in the upper-right corner of buildings queue.

For more details see the manual of Smart Building function.

Gold club farming interval

Now you can change the interval for gold club farming from Main Settings window:

Gold club farming interval

This new interval settings will allow you to make gold club farming with more frequency than the other automatic tasks scheduled by the TCommander Bot.

Other improvements and bug fixes

  • Fixed: Crash if new proxy is added from login box.
  • Fixed: Google Chrome already open exception no detected due to latest Chrome version.
  • Fixed: Error when bot tries to build a building and suddenly there is no resources.
  • Fixed: Evasion failure if attack recognition detected attack and Rallypoint has not refreshed yet.
  • Fixed: Brickyard translation for lv-LV language.
  • Updated: Chrome driver to version 119.
  • Fixed: Load Marketplace failure while switching active village.
  • Fixed: Marketplace merchants movements translation for pt-PT language.

We are working hard to make the best bot ever known.

TCommander Bot Team
Command & Conquer
