What’s new in TCommander Bot v0.1.53.0

May 10, 2024 | News

TCommander Bot best travian bot

We are proud to announce the availability of TCommander Bot v0.1.53.0 that comes with new features and improvements for farming and bot security.

Let’s see all in detail.

“Start all farm lists” button usage

Gold club farming speed have been increased drastically with this new improvement. Now if all your farm lists have the same raid time interval, TCommander Bot will use the new in-game “Start all farm lists” button to start raiding all farm lists at once instead of clicking “Start” button per each farm list individually.

Gold club farming faster with “Start all farm lists” button

Note in the screenshot above that raid time for all farm lists is in the same second, which means that the bot is raiding all farm lists at once with the new “Start all farm list” button.

Bear in mind that you must setup all farm lists with the same raid interval to ensure the usage of “Start all farm lists” button to raid all farm lists at once.

Gold Club farming minimum interval is decreased

Now the raid interval per each farm list can be decreased down to 2 minutes:

gold club farm list raid interval to 2 minutes

Now you will be able to raid with more frequency specially for fast servers like 5x and 10x servers.

“Clean oases with hero” raid method

We have added a new raid method called “Clean oasis with hero“.

As it’s name says, this raid method is developed to clean oasis containing animals (kill animals) with your hero and/or with any other troops. This raid method is very usefull on early stages of your game account and also on the final stages of game server when you can get more resources from killing animals than from raiding villages:

“Clean oasis with hero” raid method

When you select “Clean oases with hero” from Raid method drop down list, the hero place is set to 1 automatically by default, but you can change it to add more troops or to remove hero if you want to. So you can decide how to attack your oases.

Also you will notice a new option “Raid only oases with animals” which is enabled by default and cannot be disabled because it is supposed that you use this raid method only to kill animals.

What does it do? First it will check if your oases has animals before sending troops, it will send troops only if oases contain animals to kill.

A good strategy is to combine this raid method with others to maximize the amount of resources to get from oases.

For example you can create 2 farm lists to attack oases. First farm list with “Clean oasis with hero” raid method to kill animals and the second farm list with “Raid without reports” raid method and enable “Don’t raid oasis with animals” to get the remaining resources from the oasis without animals.

Maximum raid frequency increased to 48 hours

Now the raid frequency for normal farming can be increased up to 48 hours:

Maximum raid frequency can be up to 48 hours

Now that you can use “Clean oases with hero” raid method, you might need to setup raid frequency with more than 24 hours because in slow servers the animals in the oases take more than 24 hours to respawn, so that is a good moment to start killing the animals again.

Moved buildings under construction

The buildings under construction have been moved inside the village panel to save space for the buildings queue:

New buildings under construction location

Countdown timer above “START/STOP” button

We have added a new indicator above “START/STOP” button to indicate when the bot is about to start or stop automatically:

Starts in X minutes indicator

With this indicator you can anticipate the moment when the bot will start or stop automatically so you will not need to push START/STOP button unnecessary. travian bot starts or stops automatically based on the online time scheduler setup to control the total time to be online in one day and avoid ban.

Other improvements and bug fixes

  • Fixed: Bot keeps loading reports after bot stopped.
  • Fixed: Permanent STOPPING… button.
  • Fixed: Send resources failure if web browser did not updated dialog data due to internet connection problem or something else.
  • Fixed: Proxy data not changing when selecting different game account with different proxy.
  • Improved: Gold club farming. Now it does not maximize windows frequently which was interrupting user to do other tasks in the computer.
  • Improved: Authentication. Now it closes winter dialog if it appears upon login.
  • Fixed: Fake player failure due to latest game server update.
  • Fixed: Crash when placing Defensive Wall level 0 of Spartans tribe.
  • Improved: Normal farming to farm all farms in the list to not repeat always the first farms of the list without reaching the next farms in the list.
  • Fixed: Gold club farming failed if certain lists have no active farms.
  • Fixed: Login failure when cached village data position is wrong.
  • Fixed: Buildings Queue total resources. It was adding resources of buildings under construction.
  • Added: Total Buildings Number to Buildings Queue Totals section.
  • Fixed: Load Marketing was loading incorrect village if user changed active village in google chrome.
  • Fixed: thematic server detection for SOW servers.
  • Fixed: Spy target is not getting scout data in reports.
  • Fixed: Start raid with gold club farm list if Google Chrome is minimized.
  • Fixed: Load gold club farm list browser timed out. Now the browser is restarted if it is stuck or very slow.
  • Improved: Invalid username or password detected, now it shows proper message when bot is unable to relogin.
  • Fixed: Login failure for serbian language interface sr-SR
  • Improved: Market sending resources to increase delay on Y coordenates element to avoid sending to wrong coordenates.
  • Updated: Load player profile from map to the latest version of game server.
  • Fixed: Start gold club raiding failed if user deleted target list manually from web browser.
  • Fixed: Resources mines not showing correct mines distribution for all villages except the first one.
  • Fixed: Logout time problem. The bot was not logging out outamitcally if it had Load Reports task in queue.
  • Fixed: Imported settings was not applying Main Settings.
  • Updated: Google Chrome Drive to version 124.
  • Added: Check updates automatically every 8 hours to ensure users have the latest version.

We are working hard to make the best bot ever known.

TCommander Bot Team
Command & Conquer
