TCommander Bot Security – Best Practices to Avoid Bot Detection – Avoid Ban

Apr 20, 2019

Our top priority is to make TCommander Bot as undetectable and save as possible. It is being developed to simulate a human being interacting with game server in behalf of you by making every action as human as possible.

However, despites TCommander Bot acts almost like a human, there is no 100% warranty that TCommnader Bot will not be detected for different reasons that are explained in that last section of this manual. That is why there are certain rules that you must follow in order to reduce the risk of being detected by a Multihunter:

Online Time – TCommander Bot Security

No human can be awake 24/7. That is why Multihunters can be attracted by your account activity if you are online too many hours in a row every day, at least from the same PC.

You must avoid being more than 10 hours of online activity per day from the same PC if you want to avoid ban.

By default, TCommander Bot will generate a valid random schedule if you have not defined any schedule. This way you avoid to start using the bot 24/7 if you forget to setup online time schedule the first time that you use your game account in the bot.

In top menu go to “Settings” / “Main Settings” to open “Main Settings” dialog box.
There you may see “TCommander Online Time” setting to schedule the time to be online and offline.

Online Time Scheduler

By pushing the “Generate schedule” blue button, you can generate a new random schedule automatically again.

However, if you want to setup your own personal schedule you can do it manually by clicking each hour number to make that hour online or offline respectively.

Each number in the online time scheduler means 1-hour time interval. For example, number “1” means the first hour of the day, which is from 12:00 AM to 1:00 AM. Number “7” means the 7th hour of the day, which is from 6:00 AM to 7:00 AM, and so on.

So, if “1”, “2”, “3” and “4” are red, the bot will be offline during that period of time from 12:00 AM to 4:00 AM. If “17”, “18”, “19” and “20” are green, the bot will be online during that period of time from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM.


When TCommander goes offline automatically, it will stop doing all automated tasks immediately. In that stage you will see the green “START” button in upper right corner again. You don’t need to push that button again manually if TCommander stopped automatically because it will start again automatically as soon as online time is reached.

If you are going to setup online time schedule manually, you need to follow certain rules in order to make your schedule save and valid to avoid bot detection. If you don’t follow these rules, TCommander Bot will notify it.


Rules to set Online Time manually to reduce risk of bot detection

  1. Set maximum 10 hours online.
  2. Minimum offline hours in a row should be 2 hours. 
  3. Maximum online hours in a row should be no more than 5 hours. So being online many hours in a row every day is also suspicious. No human can do that every day.


We suggest to distribute online time to be more like a human behavior (3-4 hours online, then come back online after 2 or 3 hours being offline, etc.).

You always must follow our suggested rules to set online time to reduce risk of bot detection.

The following sample settings are wrong because they do not follow our suggested rules:

Wrong Settings Sample 1: 
Sample below is risky because it has 11 hours online. It breaks rule #1 that says that you must set maximum 10 online hours per day:

Wrong Online Time Sample 1

Wrong Online Time Sample 1


Wrong Settings Sample 2: 
The following sample is wrong because it breaks rule #2. Hour 16th and 23th are only 1 offline hour in a row. And the rule says that you must set minimum 2 hours offline in a row:

Wrong Online Time 2

Wrong Online Time sample 2


Wrong Settings Sample 3: 
The following settings are also too risky because it breaks rule #3. From 17th to 22 hours there is a total of 6 online hours in a row, and it should be no more than 5 hours in a row:

Wrong Online Time sample 3

Wrong Online Time sample 3



“Stop Bot if it is too active” option

As you may notice in “Main Setting” sub-window:

Stop bot if it is too active

“Stop bot if it is too active” option


Stop Bot if it is too active” option is enabled by default.

That is a security feature that can save your account from being banned.

How it works?

It’s simple: it will make the TCommander Bot to stop immediately if it is online more than 10 hours a day. And after stopping it will not let you start the bot again for 4 hours unless you disable it.

This way you ensure not to exceed the suggested online time for a period of 24 hours even if you don’t use a correct online schedule or if you make the bot to be online more than 10 hours by using STOP and START button,

If you disable this option, it will be at your own risk.


Online Time Indicator

This indicator is located in the lower-right corner of the bot window and can be used to get an idea of the current online activity:

Online Time Indicator

Online Time Indicator

It’s very useful to check the online time from time to time if you decide not to use a suggested online time schedule and/or if you don’t use “Stop bot if it is too active” option. So you can stop the bot manually if you see that it exceeded 10 hours a day.

It indicates if your online time is about to reach 10 hours a day or if you already exceeded the 10 hours a day.

It shows the total number of online hours from the last day in different color depending of the situation:

It will become orange if bot is online more than 8 hours a day (it’s about to reach the suggested time so you must be careful):


And will become red if bot is online more than 10 hours (you should stop the bot immediately):




Using External Web Browser

TCommander Bot has been developed to run while you are not playing in the PC and do automatic tasks in behalf of you. So, it was not developed to be used with another web browser at the same time with the same travian account, otherwise it could malfunction due to wrong village activation and/or if you cancel tasks from external web browser.

Also running TCommander with an external web browser at the same time is a suspicious behavior and can increase the risk of detection by Multihunters. So we recommend to click “STOP” button while you are playing with any external web browser and then Click START button when you are done with your web browser.


How to simulate different persons playing with same account (Dual Accounts)

If you want to be online for more than 10 hours a day, there are two ways to achieve it:

  1. Use different PCs and set different scheduled online time in each PC. You can run TCommander Bot in any number of PCs with the same license. This way you can simulate different persons playing with the same account from different PCs.
  2. Use one PC with multiple instances of this travian bot by using proxy. The same simulation can be done this way. Just run any number of TCommander Bot instances in the same PC with different proxy settings in each instance and different scheduled online time in each.
    To do so, just set proxy settings while you login: 


    Proxy Settings

    Proxy Settings


Why TCommander Bot is not 100% undetectable?

We will start by explaining the reasons that affects any bot. No matter what bot you use in the present or in the future, there are certain circumstances that can make them detectable:

  1. Game updates:
    Each time the game is updated it can make the bot to malfunction or to do certain actions in the game in a way that it could be done in the old version of the game but in the new version it should do be done in a different way. This can make TCommander Bot to have a strange behavior and there is a small chance that it could be detected by multihunters.

    We cannot anticipate which updates will be done to the game html code or to its API. All we can do is to wait until next game update and make bot corrections as soon as possible.

  2. Bot Detectors:
    The game has some admin tools to analyze your account activity and statistics to detect bots automatically. Each time the game developers improve these tools to make them more intelligent for bot detection. All we can do is to continue improving the bot to make it behave like a human behavior and reduce the risk of bot detection.

    Despites TCommander Bot behaves almost like a human, there are many game actions that cannot be emulated, at least not with current Artificial Intelligence technologies.  For example, answering IGMs, chatting with friends in alliance, not to study the ratings and profiles of other players, etc.

    All we can do is to improve current features and add more features to simulate a human player.

  3. Bot bugs:
    TCommander Bot is a software, and it has never existed a perfect software in the past and it will never exist a perfect software in the future because the softwares are made by humans and humans can make mistakes because humans are not perfect. 

    So bugs can happen in any moment and certain bugs can make the bots to malfunction or to have an strange behavior that can make them detectable in any moment. All we can do is to fix the bugs as soon as they are detected.

    We have a good customer support to assist you if any bug is detected.


Other bot detection reasons that can be caused by TCommander Bot only:

  1. Detectable bot feature:
    We always try to develop each feature to be as much undetectable as possible. However, game developers can improve their tools in any moment to detect bots when doing a specific task, for example: scanning the map, farming, etc.

    All we can do is to investigate each case to detect which feature has been used by the user and make more tests to see which feature is causing bot detection and them improve it.

    That is why it is very important that you report to us immediately if you got ban to start an investigation to improve the bot and avoid it to happen again.

  2. Bad user settings:
    It is very important that you follow the rules described from the beginning of this manual to use the suggested bot settings. If you don’t follow these rules you will increase the risk of bot detection.


Our top priority is TCommander Bot Security. We will do our best to make the bot as much undetectable as possible. So it is very important that you report to us immediately after you get ban to start an investigation of your case to try to detect what bot actions cause the ban and avoid it to happen again.