Buildings Queue

Jul 12, 2018

Buildings Queue is where you can see and manage your list of buildings to be built or upgraded. Each time you click a building icon from Buildings Panel or from “One Click Constructions Panel”, one or several buildings upgrades are added to this queue list.

Buildings Queue

Buildings Queue

  1. Queue List: This is the list of constructions to build or upgrade. You can select any construction by clicking it and it will be styled with blue background.
  2. Settings Button: It will open a “Buildings Queue Settings” sub-window:
    Buildings Queue Settings

    Buildings Queue Settings

    Here you can enable “Reserve Resources” and set resources amounts that you want to keep as reserve. This means TCommander Bot will not spend more resources than specified here while building/upgrading buildings. In this example, it will keep 5000 wood, 6000 clay, 2000 iron, 7000 crop and 2 free-crops in your village.

  3. “Move Construction to Top” button: It will move the selected building construction in queue to top as much as possible. I will stop moving construction up if its previous construction is a prerequisite building or if previous construction is same building with less level or if it reaches the top of the queue list.

    Moving Logic:
    The same logic applies for the rest of the buttons to move building construction up or down. The idea is: You cannot build/upgrade a building before building its prerequisite buildings or before upgrading the same building with less level.For example: You cannot build Residence without upgrading Main Building to level 5 first. And also you cannot upgrade Clay pit level 6 before upgrading Clay pit level 5 first. So each move button will be disabled when does not meet the Moving Logic.
  4. “Move Construction Up” button: It will move the selected building construction in queue one position up. It will be disabled it does not meet the Moving Logic explained above.
  5. “Move Construction Down” button: It will move the selected building construction in queue one position down. It will be disabled it does not meet the Moving Logic explained above.
  6. “Move Construction to Bottom” button: It will move the selected building construction in queue to bottom as much as it can move down. It will follow the same Moving Logic explained above.
  7. “Remove all” button: Clears the buildings queue.
  8. “Remove selected” button: Removes the selected building construction in queue.
  9. “Save Construction Queue” button: Saves template of the current buildings queue in .tcq file in your local disk.
  10. “Load Construction Queue” button: Load buildings queue template file from your local disk.
  11. This section shows total time to build/upgrade all the buildings in queue and total resources needed to build/upgrade them.

See also:

Buildings Queue Behavior Logic

Buildings Panel

Buildings Tab