Exchange Resources tool

Apr 16, 2021

“Exchange Resources” is powerful tool that helps you to exchange your resources in Marketplace’s Buy sub-page. This way you will not spend time searching offers that match what you need to exchange. TCommander Bot will search and find them for you automatically.

Adding your first trade

In TCommander Bot, a “trade” is defined by what you need to trade or exchange.

For example: “I need 10,000 iron” or “I offer 15,000 crop

Just, that simple.

Now let’s see in details how to add your first “trade”.

From Marketplace tab, select “Exchange Resources” sub-tab. Then, click “Add” button:

Exchange Resources

Define your trade

There are 2 types of trades:

  1. “I need”
  2. “I offer”

“I need” trade

I need” trade type is used to seek certain resource type.

For example, if you need lumber you must select “I need” to define your trade and let the bot to find lumber for you.

In the following screenshot we set “I need 10,000 lumber” trade with all its parameters:

  1. Select trade type from dropdown: “I need” or “I offer“. In this case we selected “I need”.
  2. Select resource type that you need. In this case lumber is selected.
  3. Select what other resources types will be exchanged for lumber. You must select 1 or more resources types. In this case we selected all to exchange your clay, iron or crop for lumber.
  4. Goal: Enter total amount of resources that you need. In this case 10,000 is set. This way the bot will make several buy operations until it collects at least 10,000 lumber for you (Goal reached).
  5. Minimum and Maximum Trade: Here you must enter minimum and maximum amount of lumber that bot will buy each time.
    In this case the bot will search all trade offers that have between 500 and 10000 lumber

“I offer” trade

“I offer” trade type is used to give certain type of resource that you don’t need or has certain extra amount that you need to exchange for something else.

For example, if you have a lot of extra crop that you don’t need. You must select “I offer” to define your trade and let the bot exchange your crop for something else.

In the following screenshot we set “I offer 25,000 crop” trade with all its parameters:

I offer trade
  1. Select “I offer” from dropdown.
  2. Select resource type that you offer. In this case crop is selected.
  3. Select what other resources types will be exchanged for crop. In this case lumber and clay are selected. So bot will search lumber or clay to be exchanged for your crop.
  4. Goal: Enter total amount of resources that you offer. In this case 25,000 is set. This way the bot will make several buy operations until 25,000 crop is exchanged (goal reached).
  5. Minimum and Maximum Trade: Here you must enter minimum and maximum amount of crop that bot will exchange each time.
    In this case the bot will search all trade offers that needs between 2,000 and 15,000 crop from you.

Trades List

You can add as many trades as you like.

Once you add your trades, you will see your list of trades like this:

For each trade you may:

  1. See trade details.
  2. Use “Delete” button to delete trade from the list.
  3. Use “Edit” button edit trade details.
  4. Use “Enable/Disable” checkbox to enable or disable trade.
  5. “Total traded”: shows the total amount resources traded so far.
  6. Use “Reset goal” button to reset “Total traded” amount and start counting from 0.
    You may use this button after or before goal is reached if you want to start exchanging from the beginning again.

Exchange Settings and Searching logic

After you have added all your trades, you are almost ready to start searching offers:

Exchange Settings

Just need 3 more steps to define your search parameters and push search button:

  1. Define Maximum Exchange Ratio that you accept to exchange.
  2. Define Maximum Duration that you accept to exchange to limit exchange duration.
  3. Push “Search offers now” button to start searching offers.

Searching Logic

travian bot will start searching all trade offers that match your exchange ratio, maximum duration and all your added trades. If it finds an offer that match any of your trades, it will perform buy action, the trade becomes green and the “Total traded” is added for the amount exchanged this time.

trade offer found status

If “Total traded” has not reached your goal this time, you may push “Search offers now” button again to see if it finds other offers to trade with you.

Otherwise you may increase Maximum Duration and push “Search offers now” button again to see if it finds other offers that are even further away from you.

You can also modify Minimum and Maximum trade to see if it find other offers that match with your trade.

Once your trade reaches your goal, it becomes blue:

Trade goal reached

It means that it already exchanged what you requested. At this point you may push “Reset goal” button if you want to exchange resources again with this trade, or you can just use “Delete” button to forget about it.

Search offers periodically

If you searched offers more than once, even by increasing Maximum Duration, and all your trades don’t reach your goals, it’s because at this moment there are not enough offers that match your trades and exchange settings so you need to wait until more offers are available.

You can do 1 of 2 things:

  1. You can wait some time and push “Search offers now” button manually again.
  2. Or you can let TCommander Bot to start searching offers automatically every X number of minutes for you. This way you don’t need to wait, the bot will wait for you and will perform searches indefinitely until all your goals are reached:
Search offers periodically

To enable “Search offers periodically” function it’s very simple and obvious as you can see in image above:

Just enable checkbox and select number of minutes to wait until perform next search.

The bot will wait the number of minutes defined by you and then start searching offers again.
If not all trades meet their goal, the bot will wait the same amount of minutes again and continue searching indefinitely until all your goals are met.