Bot Farming part 2 (Farms Lists)

May 9, 2018

In TCommander Bot you can have as many farm lists as you want; one list per farming strategy.

You can manage each farms list to suit your needs in every stage of the game with the following buttons:

farm list
Farm list (click to enlarge)

Farm List Buttons

  1. “Search Farms”:
    You can search farms on the map very quickly and filter by distance, tribe, population, etc. For more details see the manual How to Search Farms in Map.
  2. Update Farms”: To update farms of current list. The bot will scan the map to get information of current farms and update them (population, name, owner and alliance).
  3. Add single farm: 
    You can add a single farm here. The bot will locate the farm on the map and if any village or oasis is found, it will be added to your farm list.
    Add single farm
  4. Import Gold Club Farms List:
    You can import any farms list that you have created in your Rally point gold club farms. This option will not be able to import any farm if you don’t have Gold Club activated in your game account. For more details see the manual: Import Gold Club Farms Lists.

  5. “Export farms to Gold Club farms list” button:
    Once you have searched and added many farms in your farm list, you can start exporting your current farms to any Gold Club farms list in a few seconds. Of course, you need Gold Club activated in order to use this feature. For more details see this manual: Export your farms to Gold Club farms list
  6. Delete Farm by Coordinates:
    Use this button to search a farm in current farm list and delete it quickly. It’s very useful when you have tons of farms. You will save a lot of time if you want to delete a specific farm, you will not need to spend time looking in entire farm list:
    Search and delete from current list
  7. Move to list (only selected farms):
    You can move all selected farms to another farm list:
    Move to listYou can access this function also by right clicking selected farms and select “Move to list” from context menu.
  8. Send scouts (only to selected farms):
    You can select any number of farms and send scouts to every one of them very quickly:
    Send scoutsYou can access this function also by right clicking selected farms and select “Send Scouts” from context menu.
  9. Enable (only selected farms):
    You can select any number of farms and enable them with a single click.
    You can access this function also by right clicking selected farms and select “Enable” from context menu.
  10. Disable (only selected farms):
    You can select any number of farms and disable them with a single click.
    You can access this function also by right clicking selected farms and select “Disable” from context menu.
  11. Delete (only selected farms)
    You can select any number of farms and delete them with a single click or by pressing DEL button.
  12. Move list priority:
    travian bot starts farming all farms contained in first farms list, then 2nd list and so on from left to right. You can change the order of farm list farming by using these buttons, right and left, to move current list priority to next or previous respectively. So you can give priority to those lists that you want to raid first.
  13. Farm List Settings: 
    You can edit raid settings and define raid strategy for all farms in current list. For more details about raid settings, see the manual Raid Strategy.
  14. “Delete List”: 
    Delete current farm’s list including all farms in it.
  15. “Enable Farming” check box: 
    Enable or disable farming for all farms of current list. No matter if they are enabled.

Selected Farms Functions

Buttons 7 to 11 are functions that are applied to selected farms only. You can access these functions also by clicking multiple farms while holding Ctrl key and then right click to show context menu:

Farm selection
Farms selection


Farms Grid Columns

Farms grid is the table containing all farms added to the current list. Each column is explained next.

  • “Enable”: A checkbox to enable/disable each farm. You decide anytime which farms you want to keep raiding or not.
  • “Target”: Indicates the name of the target farm, or name of target village.
  • “Distance”: Shows distance between current village and farm.
  •  “X|Y”: shows position of target farm.
  • “Population”: Shows number of inhabitants of the target farm. Every 24 hours this number may be accompanied by another number indicating increased inhabitants in green color, for example: (+16) indicates that inhabitants increased by 16 in the last 24 hours.
  • “Player”: Player’s name of target farm.
  • “Alliance”: Alliance’s name of target farm if player belongs to any alliance.
  • “Troops”: Troops units to raid to target farm. The number of troops units may change automatically depending of Raid Strategy defined in Farm List Settings sub-windows.
  • “Troops Reservation”: This is the column that is after “Troops” column defined by a checkbox to enable/disable troops reservation for each farm.
    Troops reservation feature allows you to reserve the number of troops needed for each farm. This way you can ensure to have those troops in Rally point for that farm all the time and you will never stop farming that farm due to lack of troops. Use this feature to increase priority for those farms that are earning more profits.
  • “Raid Frequency”: Time frequency to send troops. This field is defined Farm List Settings sub-windows where you set your raid strategy.
  • “Status”: Shows the status of the farm. It may have the following statuses: 
    “Sending troops“: It is trying to send troops to target farm.
    “Checking oasis”: Checking oasis before sending troops.
    “Waiting for troops“: It’s time to send troops but you have not enough troops in Rally point to raid to target village.
     “Wait for time“: It is waiting for next scheduled time to raid.
     “Target Deleted“: The farm has been deleted from the map.
     “Target Protected“: The farm has beginner’s protection.
  • “Last Visit”: Shows last raid’s report resume:
Farm Last Visit
Farm Last Visit

On left side shows the crossed swords icon. Red swords mean all your troops died. Yellow swords mean some of your troops died. Green swords mean none of your troop died.

In the center it displays last raid’s date and time.

And on the right side it shows sack icon indicating percent of resources that has been stolen. To see the percent number, you must hover the mouse over this icon.

  • “Next Attack”: shows scheduled time to send next raid.
  • “Note”: shows your personal’s note for this raid. You can edit it by double clicking the cell and type your comment directly.”Note” field is very helpful to have records of any comments related to that specific farm. For example: “Has cranny 3000 resources”, “Killed my scouts” or “Has tons of resources”, etc.
  • Editting Single Farm

    Edit Icon

    For each row in the farm list, you may see “Edit Farm” icon: 

    You may use this button to edit selected farm raid troops and raid frequency manually:

    Edit Farm
    Editting Farm Manually

    See Also

    Bot Farming Raid Strategy

    How to Search Farms in Map

    Own Troops Monitor and Auto Evasion

    Import Gold Club farms list

    Export farms to Gold Club farms list

    Gold Club Farming