Gold club farming feature has been developed to raid those farms that don’t lose you troops and that actually give you resource benefits. It is the fasted method to raid large number of farms and gain resources so you must ensure to create gold club farm lists containing only profitable farms.
In order to ensure having gold club farm lists containing only profitable farms you should use Bot farming first (slow farming). Where you can start raiding any farm that you find and after raiding them for some time you can select those that are profitable farms.
Once you have collected and selected a considerable number of profitable farms, you can export them to gold club farm list to start raiding in Gold Club Farming tab.
Gold Club Farming tab anatomy
- “Enable Gold Club Farming”: To enable or disable gold club farming feature.
- “Refresh” button: To load and update all gold club farm lists.
- Gold club farm lists grid: Where you can see all your gold club farm lists and manage their raiding times.
Gold club farm lists grid columns
- Send: To enable or disable farming for your gold club farm list.
- List: Name of your gold club farm list.
- From Village: Name of the village that will send your troops.
- Interval: Time interval in minutes to send your troops to your farm list.
The bot will use this interval only to calculate the time of next raid. But it will not send the troops exactly in that calculated time, some random time will be added next (you can read explanation about this logic in next section of this manual below).
You can change interval by double clicking the cell:
- Last Raid: Shows information of last raid to your farm list: Number of success attacks, number of failed attacks and server time respectively. For example:
- Looting: Shows number of farms that are being attacked out of 100.
- Next Raid: Shows server time of next raid. This time is calculated using Interval value after each raid is done. But it will not send the troops exactly in that time, some random time will be added next (you can read explanation about this logic in next section of this manual below).
You can click “Reset” blue button to reset next raid time and the bot will not wait to send next raid, it will do it as soon as possible:
Farming Logic
The logic of gold club farming feature is very simple. travian bot will simulate a player who check farm lists from time to time and will send attacks to all farm lists that have reached their time interval but only to their farms that has no troop losses. This way we ensure not to lose more troops in next attacks. So, since gold club farming feature is developed to raid those farms that don’t lose you troops, you must be responsable of keeping the farm lists with only profitable farms.
This is the exact logic steps:
- Every X random number of minutes, the bot will check gold club farm lists to select those lists whose “next raid” time has been reached to start raid.
- For every farm list to raid, the bot will select only those farms whose last attack had no troop losses.
- After raid is done for each farm list, “Next Raid” time will be calculated again by using raid “Interval” value.
Since the process of doing this logic will be done every X random number of minutes (step 1). The random number of minutes is calculated based on “Automatic tasks” time interval defined in Main Settings. This means that the time of raid will not be done exactly the time calculated in “Next Raid” column. It will be done after “Automatic task” time is reached, then in that moment if “Next Raid” time has been passed, the troops will be sent.
TCommander Bot Team
Command & Conquer