“Send by Percent” route type

Apr 4, 2018

“Send by Percent” route type is one of the most powerful and popular route types that we have in TCommander Bot. It has been proven that sending resources to another village by fill percent of warehouses/granary is much more effective to manage the resources among your villages. That is why this type of route can be used for many purposes.

You can use this route type to send resources to other villages before source village warehouses or granaries get full. This way you avoid your mines to stop producing resources due to lack of capacity in warehouses/granaries.

You can use “Send by Percent” route also to supply smaller villages to send resources before its warehouses/granaries are about to be empty. This way you can ensure that none of your own villages are lack of resources by always keeping warehouses and granaries over certain % full.

Actually, “Send by Percent” route is a multi-purpose route that can be used to support anything to destination village. You can set any % to satisfy your needs in any of your destination villages: support buildings constructions, support troops training, etc.


How to use “Send by Percent” route

This route type works only to send resources among your own villages. 

“Destination” field displays a dropdown list with all your available villages to select to send resources. You can optionally change “Route Type” dropdown list to select another route type.

So, we have two conditions to send resources by percent:

  1. If source village’s warehouse and/or granary resources exceed certain percent (Fill resources to set % [Source Village]).
  2. And if destination village’s warehouse and granary resources are below certain percent (Empty resources to set % [Destination village]).

If both conditions are met at the same time, the bot will send resources.

Example (see image below):

Adding Send By Percent route

Figure 1: Adding “Send by Percent” route


Fill resources to set % (Source Village)

Here you define the % of each resource that you do not want to exceed in source village. Default values are 90% for lumber, 90% for clay, 90% for iron and 90% for crop. This means that Marketplace Automator will try to keep your warehouse/granary not to be over these percentages. If current warehouse/granary percentages are over the set percentages, Marketplace Automator will try to send the extra resources to destination village.

For example, if warehouse lumber fill % is 92.4%, Marketplace Automator will try to send 2.4% lumber to destination village to keep lumber 90% in warehouse. The same condition is applied to clay, iron and crop percentages.


Empty resources to set % (Destination village)

Here you define the % of each resource that you want to always keep in destination village and not to be under those %. Default values are 10% for lumber, 10% for clay, 10% for iron and 10% for crop.  If current destination village’s warehouse/granary percentages are under these percentages, it will try to send resources to reach those % again.

For example, if destination village lumber is 8%. Marketplace Automator will try to send 2% lumber to destination village to keep lumber 10% back again. The same condition is applied to clay, iron and crop percentages of destination village.

Amount calculation logic

The bot will always send the resources that meet both conditions at the same time (AND condition):
It will send the resources that exceed the % set in source village and the shortage resources to reach % set destination village.

For example, if we set the sample like Figure 1 above.

If in certain moment source village has 98% lumber full, there is an 8% surplus of lumber in source village.

And if destination village has 4% lumber full, there is a shortage of 6% of lumber in destination village.

In this case TCommander Bot will send the minimum between 6% and 8%. Therefore, it will send the 6% that is missing in the destination village.

If only one percent condition is met, the bot will not send any resources. It is supposed that the bot will send resources only if there is a surplus of resources in source village and there is a shortage of resources in destination village at the same time.

If you want TCommander Bot to ignore source village % settings, you have to set 0% 0% 0% 0% for source village % settings and any desired % settings in destination village.

In the other side, if you want TCommander Bot to ignore destination village % settings, you have to set 100% 100% 100% 100% for destination village % settings and any desired % settings for source village.


Amount calculation logic – Checking other shipments under progress

After calculating the amount of resources to be sent, it’s possible that the bot only sends a portion of it or don’t send any resources at all. Pay attention:

travian bot checks if there are other resource shipments under way to the same target village from different source villages. It’s possible that the total amount of resources being sent from other villages already fills the target village, in this case the bot will not send any resources from current route to avoid overfilling target village and do not lose resources unnecessarily.

Or if the total amount of resources under way from other villages plus a portion of the amount to be sent from current village fills the target village, then the bot will send only a portion of the calculated resources to not overfill target village.

This resource calculation improvement is made to avoid losing resources unnecessarily when sending resources from many villages to the same target village.

So if you have a few or several villages feeding the same target village, the bot will calculate the total amount of resources that is being sent among all source villages. If the total amount already fills the free space in target village warehouses, then it will not allow any route to send more resources until the other villages finish sending their resources.

This way you can setup many villages to feed capital, for example, and each source village will send resources when they are available and you will never lose resources for overfilling target village warehouses.

This logic to check other shipments from other sources is done for other route types too.


Available options for this route type

  1. Don’t send if destination is under attack: It will not send resources if destination village is also under attack.
  2. Full merchants only: It will send only the resources amount that fills the required merchants. This feature will increase your resources shipment’s efficiency.
    • Minimum total resources: If you disable “Full merchants only”, you can use this new option to limit minimum amount of resources to send. This way you can ensure not to send smaller amounts of resources and reduce merchant’s traffic. Make sure to increase this value if you have more merchants available.

Minimum total resources



Send by Percent Route sending logic

Marketplace Automator will always send one shipment at a time. If merchants are underway to the same destination village, it will not send any resources until they arrive to home. This pre-condition is checked for every route type. We did it this way to avoid sending multiple route shipments to the same destination unnecessarily.

When all requirements to send resources are met, it sends calculated resources and route becomes green in routes list, see image below:

Send by Percent Route sending

Send by Percent Route sending



See also

Marketplace Router

Supply Buildings Queue Route

Send On Under Siege Route

Managing your Routes


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