“Supply Buildings Queue” route helps you to keep your villages with enough resources to build buildings non-stop. Imagine your empire will never stop building new buildings due to lack of resources. That is the purpose of this route type, to help you to distribute resources among your villages to continue building and growing your infrastructure 24/7 non-stop.
This route type sends resources to one of your villages when they need to build a building from Buildings Queue and has not enough resources to build. Then it calculates how much resources are needed to be sent.
Adding “Supply Buildings Queue” route
“Supply Buildings Queue” route becomes available only after you have more than one village in your account. This route type makes sense only to send resource to your own villages.
To use “Supply Buildings Queue” route you only need set 2 parameters:
- Destination village.
- Up to first X buildings in queue: to define how many buildings to support maximum from destination buildings queue.
Available options:
- Don’t send if destination is under attack: It will not send resources if destination village is also under attack.
- Full merchants only: It will send only the resources amount that fills the required merchants. This feature will increase your resources shipment’s efficiency.
That was very easy!!
Supply Buildings Queue Route Sending Logic
Supply Buildings Queue Route is synchronized with Buildings Queue of destination village. It will send resources to destination village only if the following requirements are met:
- Destination village buildings queue shows in red “Not enough resources!” on top.
- Source village has enough resources to build at least one building from queue.
- Source village has enough merchants to send the required resources.
So the bot checks if destination village is lack of resources to build next building in queue, see red message in image below:
If this occurs and source village has enough resources and merchants, Marketplace Automator calculates how much resources are needed to help buildings construction and will try to send as much resources as possible.
For example: Let’s say that you set “Up to first X buildings in queue” to 5.
The bot will try to send the total resources to build the first 5 buildings in queue. If source village does not have such resources, then it will try to send resources to build the first 4 buildings in queue, and so on until it tries with only first 1st building in queue.
This way we can ensure to send always as much resources as possible to meet or goal and reduce merchants traffic. Also this feature lets you build buildings even faster because you will have resources available in less time.
After it sends the first resources shipment, it will not check the need of resources in destination village until merchants are back to home.
Amount calculation logic – Checking other shipments under progress
After calculating the amount of resources to be sent, it’s possible that the bot only sends a portion of it or don’t send any resources at all. Pay attention:
travian bot checks if there are other resource shipments under way to the same target village from different source villages. It’s possible that the total amount of resources being sent from other villages already fills the target village, in this case the bot will not send any resources from current route to avoid overfilling target village and do not lose resources unnecessarily.
Or if the total amount of resources under way from other villages plus a portion of the amount to be sent from current village fills the target village, then the bot will send only a portion of the calculated resources to not overfill target village.
This resource calculation improvement is made to avoid losing resources unnecessarily when sending resources from many villages to the same target village.
So if you have a few or several villages feeding the same target village, the bot will calculate the total amount of resources that is being sent among all source villages. If the total amount already fills the free space in target village warehouses, then it will not allow any route to send more resources until the other villages finish sending their resources.
This way you can setup many villages to feed capital, for example, and each source village will send resources when they are available and you will never lose resources for overfilling target village warehouses.
This logic to check other shipments from other sources is done for other route types too.
Now with travian bot you will be able to support smaller villages that need resources to grow faster!
See Also
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Supply buildings queue
Support buildings queue
Route to support buildings
Route to supply buildings
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Supply buildings